Monday, April 9, 2012

hackers unite

As you can all tell I have my own code of hacking ethics and what i ask of you is to create your own and follow them.
Dont become some fucking idiot that does not have moral values. 
I'm not talking about hacking into a web site because the admin didn't keep up with security (if an admin neglects to keep up on security they deserve to be hacked but they also deserve an opportunity to get their site back).
I just read in the news about a guy hacking into his neighbor's wifi and sending his neighbor child porn 
and he was using the neighbor's credit cards to buy child porn. This guy put a bunch of child porn on his neighbor's pc and made a death threat to the vice president on his neighbor's pc just because the neighbor's 5 year old son was in his yard. Oh and he also kissed the boy on the lips in front of the boy's parents. And this mother fucker only gets 18 years in prison.
Its mother fuckers like this that give hackers a bad name.
But no, you have these fucking assholes running around on the internet claiming to be hackers and giving the name hacker an unwelcome name.
My dream is that the name "hacker" becomes cleared of all negativity.
No white hat no black hat just the hacker hat.
I mean how do you guys trust a fellow hacker that you just met?
I do not trust a hacker until he has proven his worth.
It shouldn't be this way.
The fellow hacker needs to learn the hacker mentality.
This is very important our own kind is at risk of being terminated.
Do not argue because it has happened to every great empire. Examples: France (invaded russia in the winter) Germany (invaded russia in the winter) usa (spent more money than they had)
Is this what you want? Example: Hackers (turned on their own kind and stopped trusting one another, and "greed" always wanting something in return)
How many greedy hackers do you know?
How many skids do you see on the net every day?
Now that i have said all of this your probably thinking What can i do about it I'm just one person?
Wrong, You are one hacker. One of the most powerful people on the net. Maybe instead of Spreading your rat all over youtube and bittorent files, you should be targeting people. You should be investigating people.
Finding people on the net that have no business being on it. And removing their asses.
People running scams, pedos, perverts, And anyone else that is making the web look like garbage.
Where is the hackers at? Did they all die? Are they all in hiding from the feds?
I am calling out to all hackers, we have got to put a stop to this or no one will.
I for one can no longer sit back and watch this shit happen.
I'm going to go do something about it.
How is it going to look if a man is prosecuted by the feds for hacking child porn sites and pedos all over the web?
And for all of those fake hackers (The ones with decent hacking skills and no hacking mentality.) They do not deserve to be on our web either.
There are many big companies on the net to exploit. They do not need to exploit their fellow hackers or the little man.
I have taught and corrected many people on this site.
If i have taught you anything you should know it is highly important to teach the noobs. Learning isn't enough. Neglect the noobs and there will be no future hackers.
I hope I have made everyone that read this to think about what is really going on.

If you want to post this some where do not fucking leach it.

Give credit to: A Fellow Hacker
It should look like this 

Credits: A Fellow Hacker


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. site up come and join with us bro..zz
